From BeamNG
The Friction Clutch (device name "frictionClutch") is a model of a sprung friction clutch. It improves on the old viscous clutch model from pre 0.7.2 by allowing angular locking of the engine to the powertrain, instead of constant slippage. In a Powertrain, it should be connected to a combustionEngine or electricMotor, and have a manualGearbox connected to it.
Jbeam Properties
Name | Type | Optional | Default Value | Description |
lockSpring | number | true | Autocalculated | This value is calculated by looking at the downstream inertia in the powertrain and applying the most possible spring. Not recommmended to change. Going higher can cause instability. |
lockTorque | number | true | Autocalculated | The torque limit after which the clutch will slip. This value is calculated by finding the torque required to stop the engine from redline in 1 second with full power. Not necessary to change unless you want very high peak forces from the clutch. |
lockDamp | number | true | =lockSpring/1000 | A small amount of damping for stability. Not necessary to change. |
clutchStiffness | number | true | 1 | This number can soften or stiffen the clutch angle integration. Not recommended to change. |
coolingCoef | number | true | 1 | How effectively the clutch transmits heat to the bellhousing. Increase for better cooling. |
maxClutchTemp | number | true | 500 | Maximum temperature of clutch (°C) before it is irreparably damaged and can no longer transmit torque. |
warningTemp | number | true | 200 | Temperature of the clutch (°C) at which an onscreen warning is displayed. |
maxSafeClutchTemp | number | true | 300 | Temperature of the clutch (°C) at which it begins to lose efficiency and begins slipping. |
additionalEngineInertia | number | true | 0 | Sets the inertia of the clutch in kg*m^2. This will be added to the inertia of the engine. |
Here is an example of the required powertrain section, along with the additional section for the properties.
"powertrain": [ ["type", "name", "inputName", "inputIndex"], ["frictionClutch", "clutch", "mainEngine", 1], ], "clutch": {},//you dont need to put anything here ;)