

From BeamNG

File location: lua\vehicle\Hydros.lua


bool enableFFB = true
number wheelFFBaxisdir = -1 -- The direction of the real wheel's FFB
number wheelFFBForceCoef = 200 -- The FFB Force coefficient
number wheelFFBForceLimit = 16 -- The FFB steady force limits (in Newton)
number wheelFFBSmoothing = 100 -- FFB smoothing
number wheelFFBSmoothingHF = 50 -- High frequency FFB smoothing
number lastFFBforce = 0
table hydros = {}

Member Functions

number toInputSpace (h, state)
number FFquantum (f)
nil updateGFX (dt)
nil update (dts)
nil init ()
nil reset ()
nil sendHydroStateToGUI ()

Public Interface

  • updateGFX
  • update
  • init
  • reset
  • sendHydroStateToGUI